
What is an acupuncturist? Is an acupuncturist a doctor?


An acupuncturist is a licensed medical professional by the state of which he or she practices. The title given to an acupuncturist is L.Ac. which stands for licensed acupuncturist. An acupuncturist is also certified through a national examining board called the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Schooling includes a minimum of 3 years of study including over 600 hours of clinical training. An acupuncturist is not a medical doctor, however an acupuncturist is well trained to treat many different health problems.


How does acupuncture work and how is it effective?


Acupuncture works by freeing up energetic blockages within the body in order to restore a person’s well being and health. Pain and disease are experienced, according to Chinese medical theory, when there is a blockage in the body’s energetic pathway or meridian system. Very thin and solid stainless steel needles are inserted into various positions on the body to promote the free flow of energy, thereby eliminating pain or other symptoms associated with the patient’s imbalance.


Is acupuncture used to treat specific problems or is it used for general relaxation? What types of specific problems is acupuncture most helpful for?


Acupuncture can be used for both treating specific problems or disease as well as in promoting a person’s well being through relaxation. Acupuncture treatments are very relaxing and patients often rest very deeply or fall asleep during treatment. The World Health Organization recognizes a thorough list of ailments that research and clinical trials have proved acupuncture to be helpful for. Please click here to learn more. You can also visit the What We Treat tab on our site to learn more about how acupuncture can help you with your specific problems.


Does acupuncture hurt?


NO, acupuncture does not hurt. Acupuncture uses very thin, almost hair like, solid and sterile stainless steel needles. These painless needles are inserted very quickly through the skin to provide the patient with a comfortable and painless experience. Patients find an acupuncture session to be very relaxing and enjoyable.


Joseph Tonzola LAc, NCCAOM Chinese Herbal Medicine


Phone: 732-232-1679

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese Herbal Medicine


Chinese herbal medicine is an ancient system of medicine that dates back almost two thousand years. During the past two thousand years Chinese herbal medicine has gone through great development as it passed through the many governmental dynasties in China. Today it continues to grow and expand with new scientific research on the pharmacological effects of individual herbs.


Benefits of Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese Herbal medicine takes into account a persons individual signs and symptoms to determine the best herbal formula for the treatment of the entire person as well as their disease. This specificity allows for optimal healing response and time with often zero side effects.


How are Chinese Herbs taken?
Patients are given options when it comes to the form of administration of the Chinese herbs. Depending on the type of disease being treated, the constitution of the individual person, and the persons lifestyle, formulas are prescribed in the form of tea pills, granules, capsules, and/or raw herb decoction(soup/tea).


Where do the herbs come from?
I use Chinese herbs that are from reputable herbal companies here in the United States. These companies use the highest quality Chinese herbs and preform thorough inspection of them before any sale. Here are websites of two herbal companies that I use when prescribing an herbal formula for patients:


Can Chinese herbs be taken with western medications?
Yes, Chinese herbs can be taken with western medications. Chinese herbs are frequently used in combination with western medications in China to more effectively eliminate disease. Chinese herbs can also help with lessening the side effects of western medications. There are some exceptions with combining the two. This is determined at the time of intake when reviewing the medications the patient is currently taking.


What are some diseases that Chinese herbs are used to treat?
Chinese herbal medicine can be used to treat many different diseases. Here are some examples where I have found the use of Chinese herbal remedies to be very effective:


Joint Pain, Arthritis, Migraines/Headaches, Tinnitus, Vertigo, Peripheral neuropathy, Constipation, Diarrhea, Sciatica, Low Back Pain, Infertility, Irregular Menstrual Cycles, Insomnia, Anxiety, Depression

Acupuncture Dry Needling

Acupuncture Dry Needling


Trigger Point Acupuncture, also known as dry needling, involves the insertion of a needle into a tight trigger point within a muscle to create a physical release of the constricted tissue. As an acupuncturist I have had thousands of hours of training in the technique of trigger point acupuncture and I find it very effective in the treatment of pain and dysfunction.

“Accordingly you are advised that under the current statute, physical therapists are not authorized to engage in dry needling or intramuscular stimulation.” – NJ Attorney General


To Learn more about Acupuncture Vs. Dry Needling please visit:


To learn more about trigger point acupuncture please visit the following web page:


Joseph Tonzola L.Ac., Dipl. OM

Cupping Therapy

Cupping is an ancient practice in Chinese medicine that involves creating local suction on the skin with glass cups. The suction is created with using fire to create a vacuum of air inside the cup which is then quickly applied to the skin. This increases blood circulation to the area treated as well as separates tight and constricted layers of body tissue.

Gentle Gua Sha

Gua Sha is an ancient Chinese medical art that involves applying gentle scraping strokes along lubricated skin with a smooth edged object such as a Chinese soup spoon. I perform gua sha in a gentle manner to make it comfortable and enjoyable for each patient. Gua Sha is an excellent way to increase local circulation to an injured and painful area, break up adhesions in chronically tight tissue, and ultimately help the patient experience a decrease in pain. Gua Sha is usually performed in conjunction with an acupuncture treatment.

Functional Medicine

Functional medicine focuses on treating the root cause of disease. It looks at western physiology as one entire functioning system and it seeks to establish health through nutritional and lifestyle considerations.

Therapeutic Yoga


Therapeutic Yoga: What is it?


A system that looks at the body as a whole using different techniques, such as; breathing, postures or movements, sound creation, and different forms of stress management techniques. These techniques allow one to handle daily stresses and tensions within the body, heal chronic injuries and ailments so one may feel strong, healthy, and supported.


Therapeutic Yoga: Why practice it?


The Yoga Therapist will create individual sequences and/or activities, according to your needs, these activities will create a beneficial change within the body and the mind. These sequences will be done during a private session and you will be given follow-up techniques to practice on your own to assist your healing or for preventative measures.


Therapeutic Yoga: What ailments is it good for and how?


Therapeutic Yoga is a good for everyone. Its good for those who want to stretch, for those who want to loose weight, for those who want to relax and specifically for the following:


Anxiety: Stress management techniques aid the parasympathetic nervous system and the sympathetic nervous to be balanced, letting go of the “fight” response many people live with daily. One working with anxiety may take more sessions to allow the stress management techniques to become habit, but once they are applied a person will feel more healthy and relaxed.


Asthma: Breathing techniques work with the diaphragm and secondary muscles of the body to bring in more oxygen. This allows the practitioner to understand how to control the breath. Also the yoga therapist will show techniques for stress management.


Chronic Back Pains: Postures and movements, stress management, and sound vibrations allow the practitioner to create a space in the areas of the body that are tight so they may relax and let go of tension build up. Specific breathing techniques also work to create space in the muscles, allow the organs to work more efficiently, and assist the movement of energy within the cells to eliminate stagnation of energy.


Eczema & Psoriasis: Stress management techniques will assist the practitioner to let go of the excess heat in their body. There are also many movements that the person can do to assist in releasing excessive heat and stress build-up.


Menstruation Phase: Restorative poses will be used to assist in the flow of blood and energy allowing the body and mind to be at peace. The practitioner will leave feeling light and relaxed.


Migraines: Postures and movements aid the body with proper digestion techniques allowing the body to anchor rising heat and/or energy. Also, stress management techniques allow the individual to deal with daily stresses more calmly, letting go of the “stress headaches” and build up of stresses that cause migraines.


Painful Menses: Stress management techniques and specific restorative poses allow one the ability to relax and let go of tension. These techniques assist with the pressure in the body to calm the mind, leaving the body and mind more relaxed.


Therapeutic Yoga: How many sessions will I need?


The number of sessions may vary. Each person is a unique individual with different body types, emotions, and thoughts. At JS Wellness the acupuncturist will work closely with the yoga therapist to assist in diagnosis and with the duration of visits. The goal of therapeutic yoga is that you leave with a few ideas of what you can do on your own at home, practice these techniques and feel the changes. Then the therapist will email you some follow-up ideas including: videos and email definitions of poses covered for you to work on at home. Some may need only one session while other may want 10 to ensure that that they are doing the work and time to ask questions. JS Wellness wants you to have the tools to work with and take control of your life to feel great!